ミシカのインスタグラム(mishkagram) - 11月26日 01時41分

A lot of you have been asking about the #chillreaper rug pre-order. Originally the rugs were supposed to be in our warehouse in Nov 16th. Then that moved to the 25th (today) now they are telling us they won’t get there until the first week of December. We are fully aware how frustrating this is especially for how long some of you have been waiting. This issue is far beyond our control but we do appreciate the patience the majority have shown us. I always feel like whenever we do a pre-order (to guarantee and item and to give a discount) they people that don’t get it when they expect get really mad at us. I get it. It’s made me think numerous times not to do pre-orders anymore. Doubt I’ll ever learn my lesson. Anyways everyone who pre-ordered a rug is going to be sent a special discount code to use on anything on the site at any time. I know we are a couple to be a couple weeks late with the rug delivery but you will have an awesome piece that it you take care of it will last for years to come. If you don’t want to wait any longer contact us or DM ME personally and we will give you a full refund. That’s not what I am supposed to say but I don’t give a fuck. Just want to make sure our customers stay happy. Thanks. - @gregmishka


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