レイチェルロイのインスタグラム(rachel_roy) - 11月13日 00時59分

We destroy so easily gifts 🌲🌳that allow us to breathe.
Just as we destroy so easily some one that thinks differently than us or makes a mistake.
Just as we knowingly destroy ourselves with alcohol, drugs & other addictive behavior to mask our feelings.
If we continue at this rate (🌲🌳) we will have no more world to live in.
Remarkably, almost a century ago, long before most were talking about saving our planet from ourselves, Gandhi’s writings were focused on what we are doing to the environment.
and what that means about us.
Vote for law makers that make our planet a priority. 🌿🍃
Stop eating meat.🐏🐓🐇🐃
It always shocks me when “woke” individuals that have been asking people to vote for their candidate go & order a steak or burger.. not really that woke at all. Factory Farming abuse contributes to land & water degradation, biodiversity loss, acid rain, coral reef degeneration & deforestation. Nowhere is this impact more apparent than climate change – greenhouse gas emissions.
Stop eating animals. Start caring.

The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed ~ #ghandi



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