サマンサ・ロンソンのインスタグラム(samantharonson) - 11月3日 09時26分

If you have not yet voted in Los Angeles- may I offer up some more information for you to consider. 😏🥴 Nithya earned my vote and many others to set up this run off, against the machine, in the primary- I believe in her and her real conviction to make a change for the better in a city that can’t seem to come up with a real plan for housing the homeless, or anything, in my opinion. Don’t trust me, check out her policies and those with much more knowledge who have endorsed her. People like @バーニー・サンダース #nottooshabby ok... ball’s in your court.

Repost from @nithyaforthecity

With a day until the election, I want to celebrate something our campaign did that makes me so proud: we put out the most detailed (and readable!) policies I've ever seen in a city race.

🌟Housing & Homelessness
🌟 Environment & Transportation
🌟 Immigration
🌟 How to Make City Hall Work for us
🌟 Aging & Health
🌟 Rent Forgiveness
🌟 Public Broadband
🌟 Transforming Public Safety
🌟 Creating Affordable Housing
🌟 Supporting Small Business

Our policymaking reflected how we think a city should be run: by bringing impacted community members, experts, organizers, and any interested residents into the room.

We built our platforms using principles of co-governance, and that’s exactly how we’d run a City Council office.

#NithyafortheCity #TeamNithya


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