ケイト・キャンベルのインスタグラム(cate_campbell) - 10月24日 08時27分

Everyone has that one gym excerise they hate. For me, it's isometric, split squat holds 😰.
And most frustratingly of all... They don't even look impressive! If you want to have a go at home here's how to do them:
- start in a kneeling split squat with the front foot slightly further towards your body than normal (this is because when you lift your back knee off the ground, there is a tendency to shift your weight backwards, which widens your stance)
- lift your back knee and hover it just above the ground.
- hold position for 30 secs and repeat on the other side. X 3 sets
- to make it more challenging, hold a weight (I'm holding 10kg)

A few things to remember:
-back hip must remain above the back knee.
- front ankle must remain under the front knee
- the back knee must hover just above the ground - it has a tendency to creep up to make things easier.
- gap between hovering knee and front foot must be no wider than I am here. Make it as small as possible.
- straight, diagonal line from hip to head.
-if it's easy, you're probably doing it wrong 😛 check the height of your knee and the distance of your stance. If both of those are good... Then add some weight 💪
Let me know if you give them a go!
@brooksrunningau #finishingofftheweek


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