ホカオネオネのインスタグラム(hoka) - 10月15日 00時27分

“My name is Jocelyn Rivas, I live in Los Angeles, CA. I was born in El Salvador with a broken back, neck and feet. Due to limited resources in El Salvador, surgery was not an option. The doctors informed my mom that I would not live past a year, but a miracle happened, and my body started to fight back and after 1.5 years, my body was healed. I spent my first 5 years of life going in and out of the hospital with different medical issues.

In my high school, there was a program called Students Run Los Angeles that helped underserved students run the LA Marathon. I cheered at the LA Marathon in 2013 and saw people of all different ages (12-70) running the marathon, it inspired me. I then asked my mom if I could join the program and she told me I couldn't run a marathon because I still live with pain from my back and neck. I decided to be a rebel and still show up to training. At that point, my motivation was to prove my mom wrong. In March 2014, I did cross that finish line and I unexpectedly fell completely in love with marathons and how much I had grown as an individual.

I'm currently running to break 2 Guinness World Records: Youngest Person to Run 100 Marathons and Youngest Woman to Run 100 Marathons. I would also like to break the record of becoming the Youngest Latina to Run 100 Marathons, which is unrelated to the Guinness World Record. Currently Covid-19 has cancelled or postponed all my races, but I still have time until 2022 to achieve this goal. I am currently at marathon 64 and I was hoping to achieve marathon 100 by the end of this year running my usual 2-5 marathons a month.

I want to continue inspiring my community, inspire others to stay active or begin their health journey. I want to be an example that little girls in my community can follow. I never had anyone I could look up to when I was young. I feel very fortunate to be able to run, even if I struggle with the pain through my runs. It makes me feel alive.

One message I want to share with the world is fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you.”

- Jocelyn Rivas (@joselinthewarrior) #HumansOfHOKA #TimeToFly​


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