LOVE MAGAZINEのインスタグラム(thelovemagazine) - 9月23日 10時01分

Today is #nationalvoterregistrationday in the US with 41 days to go until Election Day.

Biden is currently ahead in the national polls at 51% with Trump at 43% but remember that Hillary was also ahead in the 2016 polls. America uses an electoral college system which doesn’t necessarily mean that the candidate with the most votes wins; this is why candidates often target swing states (a state that isn’t guaranteed to be won by a specific party).

Every vote is crucial in determining America’s future but please remember to register before it’s too late! ⏰ (Every state has different deadlines so head over to to check the rules for your state)

🎥 @マドンナ in a 1990 ‘Rock the Vote’ PSA


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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