カンペールのインスタグラム(camper) - 9月16日 20時31分

The Walking Society is a virtual community open to everyone: to diverse social, cultural economic and geographic backgrounds. Individually as well as collectively, it champions imagination and energy, bringing useful and positive ideas and solutions to a better world. In a simple and honest way.

TWS magazine contains words and images of people and landscapes belonging to this virtual society, who makes the world change and progress. Our first issue launched in 2001; its theme was the island of Mallorca, our native home. The original series lasted 4 years and 8 issues, ending in 2005, covering different regions of the Mediterranean.

Today, almost 20 years after it was originally launched, we come back to Mallorca for this 9th issue that gives us the opportunity to showcase the parts of the island that we most identify with. TWS is an homage to one of the most important cultures of western civilization: The Mediterranean. #walkdontrun #thewalkingsociety

Brad Robertson – Save the Med
Maria & Teresa Solivellas – Ca Na Toneta
Joan Pere Catalá Roig – Català Roig Ceramics
Marta Armengol

Edition & Creation: Alla Carta Studio
Brand Art Director: Gloria Rodríguez

Print Magazine:
Photography: Victor Staaf
Illustrations: Tobias Gutmann
Copywriting: Sarah Moroz


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