雅-MIYAVI-のインスタグラム(miyavi_ishihara) - 8月17日 17時29分

Beirut, Lebanon. Such a beautiful city. I’ve been there twice to visit refugee camps as an ambassador of UNHCR. They’ve been so generous to open up their country to refugees fleeing from Syria and else where. I’ve also heard that some of our colleagues at UNHCR have been effected by the blast. UNHCR has not only been supporting refugees but also the local community to recover as fast as possible now. Our hearts go out to everybody out there. Please stay safe especially now in this crazy time. We stand with you 🇱🇧 レバノンには UNHCR 親善大使として2度訪れたことがあります。自国の情勢も不安定な中で近隣諸国、特にシリアからの難民を受け入れている国で、首都のベイルートはとても美しい街です。今回の事故でホストコミュニティおよび現地のUNHCRスタッフ達にも被害が及んでいると聞きました。今もなおUNHCR として難民の方たちの保護と同時に街の復旧の支援をしています。皆さんの無事と共に一刻も早い回復を願います。#Repost @refugees
“The scale of the tragedy is simply overwhelming.”⁣

Our UNHCR Lebanon colleague Nabil Narch reports from the rubble of the blast that ripped through Beirut last week. ⁣

Hundreds of thousands of homes were completely or partially damaged in the #Lebanon explosion. ⁣

UNHCR calls on the international community to stand by the Lebanese people, who have been such generous hosts to refugees.⁣

#WithRefugees #Beirut #UNHCR


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