イェルネイ・クルーダーのインスタグラム(kruderjernej) - 7月19日 21時29分

Next on the list was "Le porti interiori" 8a in Poncione d'Alnasca. 2 days for almost 600 meters of climbing, and that's how the route starts 🐒. 7c slab pitch that took me 4 tries to finish. Not a good start, since that's not the hardest pitch of the route 😬. Well, getting to the "sleeping ledge" after 7c wasn't really a problem, but all the slabby climbing made my feet quite tired. Still I managed to climb the next 2 7b+ pitches after the ledge on my first go and left the ropes in, to start working on 8a on next day. We were not really protected from the rain they were forecasting, so the night on a bit uncomfy ledge wasn't a blast. When in the morning weather looked promising, we jummared up to the 8a. I barley got over the crux with a little bit of quickdraw help when it started to rain again. Got back down to the small ledge and shared it with @marcojubes for the next hour. We were freezing and wet, and we were thinking to bail. It stopped raining. Still no sun and wall was wet. I incourged Marco to stay up just a little bit more. He agreed, and the patients paid off. I did a runout 8a pitch on my second go 😁. The sun ☀️ came out, and we were enjoying the last pitches up to 7b, without falling. At 5 pm we were on the top and at 10 pm, down at the parking drinking a deserved beer 🍻.
Story continues...
@scarpaspa @ocun.climbing @ビブラム @snowmonkey

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