トームのインスタグラム(tomenyc) - 7月12日 21時52分

The Covid-19 catastrophe has “reinforced a macho strain of nationalism” while fuelling damaging levels of “mistrust” between countries, and Australia cannot afford to stand by as the pandemic speeds up threats to the world order, #Penny Wong argues.

Labor’s Senate leader and foreign affairs spokeswoman lays out a case for Australia to become more self-reliant and active on the world stage in an essay for the forthcoming edition of the Australian Foreign Affairs journal.

She also warns that nationalism, xenophobia and extremism are on the rise around the world – and Australia’s collective responses to current challenges need to emphasise unity and leaders must not forget the lessons of the 1930s.

In a contribution to the renewed debate about Australia’s place in the world, Wong argues the globe faces “a new scale of disruption that could further unravel or even destroy the rules-based system we have known since World War II”.

The essay – titled The End of Orthodoxy – says even before Covid-19, the world was experiencing heightened disruption, citing Brexit, Donald Trump’s election as US president, China’s growing assertiveness, rising nationalism and the increasingly competitive relationship between Beijing and Washington.

Wong argues the world must confront the “stark truth” that its capacity to respond to the far-reaching impacts of Covid-19 has been hampered by a lack of coordination.

“In the midst of the worst crisis humanity has experienced since World War II and a severe economic downturn of unknown proportions, the international community has been unable to muster anything close to the requisite cooperation,” she writes.

“Nations have been too mired in mistrust to generate a sense of common purpose. Competition and disinformation abound.

“Unlike in the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007–08, this catastrophe appears to have reinforced a macho strain of nationalism, and confrontation rather than cooperation. The cost of this collective failure will be measured in deaths and suffering.”


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