CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 6月25日 06時01分

The Trump administration will end federal funding for 13 community-based coronavirus testing sites by the end of June as part of a previously announced plan to extend support for Covid-19 testing across the nation by other means.⁠

The move, confirmed by NBC News, will affect seven sites in Texas, which has seen a surge of Covid-19 cases. The six other affected sites are located in Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado and Pennsylvania.⁠ The Trump administration's testing czar, Adm. Brett Giroir, noted that the 13 sites will remain open under state and local control.⁠

The administration originally announced in April that it would discontinue federal support for the baker’s dozen of community-based Covid-19 test sites, saying the move was part of an effort to broaden community testing and encourage more private-public partnerships for testing. The administration had delayed the decision, which had been met with resistance from lawmakers, until now.⁠

More details at the link in bio.


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