デルタ航空のインスタグラム(delta) - 6月24日 00時13分

"Growing up with my Black, Asian, Latino and white family and being surrounded with friends from different backgrounds has provided me with a sense of embrace for all humanity because I learned to appreciate what makes people different, unique, intriguing, interesting and inspiring.

The world has seen amazing athletes, singers, actors, poets, doctors, lawyers and leaders face bias and prejudice due to the color of their skin. Imagine adding an additional layer of bias by being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Even within the LGBTQ+ community, sometimes there is a disconnect between race relations and ethnic backgrounds. I, myself, have been judged because of these disconnects.

I’ve been able to get the most amazing support by communicating with my family, coworkers, friends and allies. Even if it’s hard or uncomfortable to discuss the “how” in the Black and LGBTQ+ world, the end product of candid conversations is a higher level of understanding that can only drive one thing: change." - Christian A. - Care Concierge Specialist, #ATL

Being a global airline means we are a global family. A family made up of every race, gender and orientation. Because no matter where you're from, how you identify or who you love, the world where we show our true selves is the world we'll keep on connecting.


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