トームのインスタグラム(tomenyc) - 6月19日 22時54分

On the #4thofJuly 2018 one woman climbed up to the folds of Lady Liberty’s robe and sat down there in a peaceful protest of the 45th President and #ICE policies and detention centers.
As today is the 155th birthday of #Juneteeth, the date when the last slaves in the USA were told that they had been emancipated from slavery two years earlier, I thought it perfect to celebrate her climb toward a symbol of democracy, freedom, emancipation and open borders. .
‘Is any time or place better suited to protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policy than the one chosen by Therese Okoumou, the 44-year-old woman arrested for climbing onto the Statue of Liberty on the Fourth of July?

Characterizing her expressive protest, Okoumou borrowed Michelle Obama’s bygone phrase, telling reporters Thursday, “‘When they go low, we go high.’ I went as high as I could.” Right or wrong, she embodied the values of the place where she climbed, momentarily drawing the nation’s attention as if to a lit torch held high. A naturalized citizen who immigrated here from the Congo, she appears to be an exemplary fit for “the land of the free and the home of the brave.’ @atlantic .
Okoumou was arrested after a three-hour standoff that began about 3 p.m. when someone noticed her waving a T-shirt with the words "Trump Care Makes Us Sick" from her perch. She was charged with trespassing, interfering in an agency function and disorderly conduct. At her arraignment, the courtroom erupted in thunderous applause after she pleaded not guilty to the charges. ‘ @npsgov .
In 1865, Edouard de Laboulaye(a French political thinker, U.S. Constitution expert, and abolitionist) proposed that a monument be built as a gift from France to the United States in order to commemorate the perseverance of freedom and democracy in the United States and to honor the work of the late president Abraham Lincoln. Laboulaye hoped that by calling attention to the recent achievements of the United States, the French people would be inspired to create their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy. ‘ @npsgov
#thereseokoumou #whitesupremacyisterrorism


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