グウィネス・パルトローのインスタグラム(gwynethpaltrow) - 6月11日 09時16分

@GlowMaven here #sharethemicnow
The Black Maternal Health Crisis is a human rights issue.
America is failing when it comes to supporting birthing people, especially black women. I want to share stories of two personal friends @bizmacthe3rd and @4kira4moms to help folks understand that we aren’t talking statistics, we are talking lives.
Amber Isaac, a young 26-year old black woman from the Bronx, died shortly after giving birth via emergency C-section on April 21st. She suffered from abnormally low blood platelet levels, which inhibited her blood from clotting. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was receiving remote care via video meetings instead of in-person appointments. Had she been in for blood tests, her providers would have noted that her platelet levels had been falling since February. Amber had HELLP syndrome which is characterized by a breakdown of red bloods cells, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count, but she hadn’t been diagnosed until April 20th.
Amber tweeted on April 17, "Can’t wait to write a tell-all about my experience during my last two trimesters dealing with incompetent doctors at Montefiore," referencing the hospital. She had a looming feeling and dreamt that she would not survive the birth. She died three days later giving birth via C-Section her son Elias Isaac McIntyre. She was under general anesthesia and never got to meet her son. She was neglected and fell through the cracks of the healthcare system. Being left untreated for months lead to her cause of her death. Her partner Bruce is now raising their baby and navigating new parenthood while seeking justice for Amber.
Charles Johnson’s wife Kira had a similar story, Kira went in for a routine c-section only to have been left to bleed internally for 10 hours. When she was finally brought back in to surgery she passed away. The doctor didn’t even stay to tell Charles and their family….These are black women whose lives were tragic lost due to medical negligence. This is unacceptable. This is dedicated to Amber Isaac and Kira Johnson and so many others who should still be here. Their lives mattered. xo @GlowMaven


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