LINA(吉村リナ)のインスタグラム(lina3336) - 6月7日 20時42分


好きな音楽をかけて、振り付けも何もなし、ただただその時感じるままに身体を動かすだけ。これだけで、本当に自分の中にある波動が上がって、欲しくないエネルギーがリリースされます😌🍃 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー


やっぱり、まずは自分がHAPPYとHIGH VIBE POWERで満たされていないと、そのエナジーを分けられないから!!!! Sending you love & power!!!!!❣ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

Sometimes, all you need to do is DANCE !!!! Yes, this is me from today dancing alone in my house with no choreography and so randomly just having fun with myself 😂🎵 I do this when I feel like I really need to release any emotions or raw energy that I got stacked. Especially in this period of time where anything seems to be clear but messy🌎, I tend to consume all those energy into myself and I physically and mentally get really sick.

So If you are also struggling with some circumstances that are uncontrollable, I encourage you to try it once with any music you like🎵💃✨ You’ll notice that your vibration ups and it feels so refreshing!!! Love, xx


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



