アーペーセーのインスタグラム(apc_paris) - 6月6日 05時06分

Unity !
A.P.C. stands against racism
The killing of George Floyd lasted 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
This crime, which was filmed and then televised, once again forced the world to see what racism is in the daily lives of Black people and how many of us remain ignorant of this reality.
The events that have followed show a very strong legitimate anger. We can only hope that the path of an egalitarian revolution is on the horizon.
This declaration of mine/ours may be considered late. I needed some time to find the right words. I know that I need to look hard at myself and the business, and I want to do the best I can to contribute to a solution. This would only be a declaration of principles, if it were not followed by concrete actions.
- A.P.C. will make a donation of 15% of its profits in the USA to the NAACP (@naacp_ldf).
- A.P.C. is committed to the American brand Braindead (@wearebraindead) to together create a product where 100% of sales will go to support the association Color of change (@colorofchange) in the USA.
- A.P.C. has set up a policy of internships accessible to people from diverse backgrounds in order to give them access to the world of fashion. In Paris, it has begun in 2019 with a partnership with the government's program to support trainees from disadvantaged backgrounds (https://www.monstagedetroisieme.fr) and in 2020 there will be a partnership with Science Po's inclusivity program (https://www.sciencespo.fr/admissions/fr/conventions-education-prioritaire.html). We are actively working on a similar strategy in the U.S. in order to increase diversity in our staff at every level.
Thank you for your attention,
Jean Touitou


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