アリー・エックスのインスタグラム(alliex) - 5月31日 02時33分

I am sorry I haven’t posted this week. The truth is I have been feeling ashamed. I feel ashamed of my privilege. My lack of understanding of what it’s like to be black in America. I feel so disgusted at the acts committed that I’m almost confused at how and why they are happening. This just shows my ignorance about how systemic and complex racism is. This time I want to be completely honest with myself. Not just repost trending hashtags with good intentions. It’s time that all of us well-meaning, liberal, ‘woke’ activist, anti trump, rainbow flag waving white folks really really look at ourselves and what we are doing to help black people in America. What are we actually doing ? Having black friends does not excuse you. Listening to black music, watching black films, wearing black fashion is great. It is not enough. If you are white and believe in true equality you have a greater responsibility. We have a chance right now to change. I’m sorry. I promise to do better.


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