ジュリアン・ペレッタのインスタグラム(julianperretta) - 5月29日 03時26分

57 years between the two photos but unfortunately this issue is still very real in our world today. Brutal, upsetting and very much EVIDENT in America. It doesn’t matter if you are not in America and reading the news in the UK as I am. Last year, spending a lot of time recording and writing in Atlanta I started to witness first hand how the police treat the black community and it made me realise the American dream is just what it says, a ‘dream’ and more like a NIGHTMARE; especially if your black. My family and I were deeply affected seeing what happened this week over in the states and felt I had to write to you all. How is it possible to have made so many advances in the modern world yet certain communities are still marginalised and their simple human rights neglected? Black people have been ostracised, murdered, tortured and downtrodden for over 400 years and sadly, still today.
It’s more important NOW than ever for the WHITE community to take a stand. Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters. George Floyd did NOT resist arrest. He was murdered in broad daylight by a WHITE male cop who continued to ignore Floyd's pleas to stop because he was literally suffocating. This would NOT have happened if this man had been WHITE and you’re ignorant if you think otherwise. This was a pure act of sadistic RACISM. George Floyd was MURDERED. His killers should be behind bars now, NOT just fired. The only way we can make these ignorant racist fucks understand the weight of their actions is through PROSECUTION. I ask my artists, friends and people who have a platform and voice on here to show their support and keep pushing the awareness of these heinous, unfathomable crimes.
The fact that humanity has to clarify that any lives matter, should be concern enough.
Remember his name. Please use your voice and platform to raise awareness on the black lives that are being lost due to police brutality and MURDER. Covid19 isn’t the only virus that needs eradicating in our world today. julian  #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatters #icantbreathe


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