ケンゾーミナミのインスタグラム(kenzominami) - 5月17日 04時29分

Years ago, on the weekday, I was working at my place and decided to take a break and take a walk in the afternoon. I keep remembering or thinking that it was Wednesday, but I wonder if I always wanted it to be Wednesday because I want NY to be that kind of place where something magical can happen on Wednesday.

I stepped out without any plan and not thinking of it to be a long walk. It was a beautiful spring afternoon, so I kept walking and ended up at Washington Square Park. And I encountered the location shoot for The Muppets.

Now I am not sure what this shoot exactly was for, and if I really try to remember and figure out which year it was, I am sure I can figure this out, and I sometimes even feel like I made up the whole thing in my head because it was so dreamy, but it was definitely there and I was definitely there. I think it was for The Muppets, as opposed to Sesame Street or anything else according to the type of muppets which was there.

What was so magical was that all the kids and adults were watching the shoot, and even though you could see all the actors underneath the muppets acting and operating them, people all looked and engaged with them by looking them in eyes of muppets. As if they were real. (They are real.) I decided to give myself this and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon.

I often go back to this moment whenever it gets hard to have faith in people or the world - if this place, or this world, can produce and raise people who can appreciate these even as adults, it can’t be all that bad, can it? I often really don’t know anymore, but I want to believe it.

Jim Henson died 30 years ago today.

#jimhenson #themuppets


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