Takiのインスタグラム(taki_faky) - 5月15日 21時08分

Some people might be still under a strict locked down,some are doing self quarantine,some just started a “new normal” life.
Regardless where we’re living,we are all still fighting.

I wanna share a story of one of my close supporter/friend (Winnie the Pooh) he is a nurse at a hospital centered for Covid patients...a front liner in the Philippines .
He was an asymptomatic patient...no fever,no cough,no nothing !!And,yet he had pneumonia already and it would have been too late.Due to regular testing,he was diagnosed early and now he is a COVID19 survivor.

Frontliners are at risk since day one of this Covid19 fight.
Some makes it and many don’t.
It hits home when someone we know, our love ones ...a friend or a family doesn’t survive this horrible fight😞My best friend’s aunt was one of them💔

It is very important that we make sure that our frontliners are protected.That they have enough N95masks & PPE’s.They should also be regularly tested.By protecting them,we protect ourselves.

I am using my voice & my platform to encourage young people to help,by donating or in any other way.

You may do it quietly or post it.We all need to do something to raise awareness.After all they are risking THEIR lives to save OURS!! Lastly,I vehemently condemn any form of discrimination against our frontliners,COVID19 survivors,victims and their families.
Discrimination of any kind should not be tolerated,encouraged or enabled!!!By saying NOTHING ,you say it ALL!!! This fight is ours and we are all in this together 🙏🙏🙏
Stay safe💕


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