Dinara Mirtalipovaのインスタグラム(mirdinara) - 5月11日 09時44分

What was I like as a baby?
We all want to hear our stories, we want to know where we came from, who were our parents. Some of us are lucky to know them, others - not so much. I wish I still had my both grandmothers around, I have so many questions I wish I could have asked them, but sadly they are no longer around. My dad’s mom Lilia was an excellent baker, we miss her cooking so much. My mom’s mom Hodjia was a Marriage Commissioner and she was always so cheerful and full of humor.
In the next slide you’ll see a photo of me when I was born. In the center is my Gradma Hodjia holding me, next to her my two aunts (one of them is holding my cousin), on the left is my mom and on the right is my uncle. This was the day when mom was released from the hospital after having me and all the relatives came to pick her up and to celebrate my birth.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there ❤️


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