キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 5月8日 17時24分

We may not all be together for Mother’s Day this year, but that shouldn’t stop us from celebrating the extraordinary work that mums do every single day. From the pilots to the teachers, the cabin crew to the doctors, the stay-at-home superstars to the engineers and everyone in between, we’re sending a special ‘Thank You’ to all the mothers who keep us going. You are our heroes, and we’ll always be grateful for everything that you do.⁣⁣
今年 #母親節 或許有點特別,我們或者需要保持一點距離,但這絕對阻擋不了我們感激天下母親的決心。因為每一位在職還是全職母親都是無比偉大,每一個都是子女心目中的超級英雄。我們趁著這個特別日子答謝母親們的無私奉獻,衷心說聲:「謝謝您的愛!」


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



