マッケンジー・ヴェガのインスタグラム(makenzievega) - 4月23日 11時23分

This moment, I feel all of it,
I hear the edges of noise
I can feel the invisible fuzzes that line my skin.
In this moment I'm here.
Im taking in all of this earth.
Learning how this orchestra works together
A dance that rolls out from above my core to what seem like dainty fingertips.
If I could imagine a word, I think it'd be
It's how I would imagine grace feels.
Somethin' To make me feel light.
not exactly a flutter.... see that's too fleeting...
But each time I breathe in, it's like soothing a little tickle that's beaming.
Expanding the walls of my ribcage.
Thank goodness for my ribcage...
If not for it, I'd spread out to the trees,
Or maybe to the water's edge.
That's what the Sun Does...
Touchin' the surface... a trillion warm butterflies...
A sweet sweet hug
One that We know.

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