マックス・カーバーのインスタグラム(maxcarver) - 4月23日 02時04分

I don’t like to post that often. Filters and captions are never quite right and I don’t care much for branding. It seems silly. Puts me in a loop and in longing for something that’s out of reach. I’ve been spending more time in nature. I love the feeling of space outside. I love it when birds chirp. It’s like singing. Trees and plants have shown me how to enjoy being here right now. Surrendered to the sun. Beyond thinking. More in being. Animals have shown me that playing is a part of my makeup. Squirrels bounce on trees and flirt. Clouds are always moving and changing. Floating and merging and separating again then coming back home when it rains only to one day evaporate and go back high again. Circumstances will change. So will I. When I take the time to slow down, I find that underneath the madness of my thinking about what’s to come or what I could have done differently... the Earth is just still and quiet and listens and holds me. No judgement. No feedback. Here. For me. That is love and acceptance... what I was longing for... an enduring love that’s always there and always will be... at least, I hope so... #climatechange is no hoax.
I hope you get outside today. Maybe go for a walk. Pick up some garbage out of respect for our Earth and for others. Notice that life which is all around us and of which we are all a part, not separate from... That we are from the Earth, not just on it to take from it. Our home. We are all responsible whether we want to be or not. Let’s do our best to make our home beautiful for all of our relations and all the future generations. #happyearthday


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