イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 4月5日 15時27分

There is a topic right now, I feel more strongly about than any issue I’ve felt called to campaign on before.

But the question I keep facing is, how do I express it while remaining in my heart, empowering myself and others?

When I consider this topic, I feel an incredible urgency and deep concern - the emotions of fear and anger arise. When I speak from this place, I know it’s not responsible, it infects others with fear and anger.

I’m seeking guidance on how to ‘be the change we want to see’ whilst also naming the wrongdoing, the elephant in the room. Akin to the #metoo movement, there was a necessity to name the wrong-doing so light was shed on the topic so then the necessary alterations could be made for respect and fairness to prevail.

This is how I am feeling about 5g.

My main questions are, why has 5g microwave radiation technology not tested as safe?

Why are 3,240 medical doctors and 250 top EMF scientists around the world signing the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, (the numbers are growing every day) https://www.5gspaceappeal.org

Why is there so many conflicting, misleading articles?

Why was the telco testing done on a plastic dummy rather than a human? #wearenotsam @wearenotsam

Why have we, the people, not been given the choice if we want this in our communities or not?

And, why has it been proven that microwave radiation (EMF) is a powerful immune suppressant, harmful to humans, animals, plants - yet the telco companies are still installing the towers on top of schools, hospitals and near our homes, at prolific rate globally, whilst we are in lockdown?

My research has shown me that fiberoptic hardwired cabling is the solution to our need for connectivity - unless independent 5g testing is proven safe.

I am delighted and inspired to share that the Byron Shire in Australia is the first place to put a moratorium on a 5g tower upgrade. Along with Glastonbury, the Capital of the EU Brussels, Kalamata in Greece, amongst others.
When the community uses it’s voice it is clear that — the power is with the people, not with the people in power.
#fiberoptic #solution #safetech #criticalthinking #5g #no5g


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