吉田ちかのインスタグラム(bilingirl_chika) - 3月25日 14時03分

Morning walk on the rooftop lawn😊 Pudding is getting quite good at playing soccer! Looking pretty professional, right? lol 

Uploaded a lesson video sharing with you guys some phrases you might need to know with all that’s going on in the world right now. Hope you find some of them useful! Thanks for the questions and requests! 

One of the situations I was asked about was dealing with discriminatory comments triggered by COVID-19. I know some of you have had to deal with this and we’ve all read about it in the news. I think we should all try to keep in mind that it is a very sensitive time right now and everyone is worried, scared, and trying to be careful. I tried suggesting phrases that take into consideration everyone’s emotional state trying to keep communication as understanding and heart-felt as possible, but at the same time getting our message across. 

#swipe Our friends at YutKee across the street gave us a box of kaya rollcake when I went to pick up some lunch today😊 We obviously can’t eat in and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the place, which is something we looked forward to on the weekends with Pudding, but we were able to enjoy their yummy dishes at home. Thanks for your hospitality in all of this and for keeping our tummies full! Trying to sustain a restaurant/shop or any kind of business during this time has to be very difficult. Hats off to all business owners finding ways to get through this! 

屋上の芝生で朝の散歩😊 サッカーもだいぶ上手くなってきたプリン⚽️ キックの格好、結構様になってますよねw



うちからすぐ近くにあるYutKeeと言うお店のオーナーさんから頂いたカヤジャムのロールケーキ❤️ テイクアウトのみで営業されているので、普段の賑やかなフレンドリーな雰囲気は楽しめなくなっていますが、おかげさまで美味しいランチ&デザートを家で食べることができました😊 いつも優しくしてくれてありがとう!飲食店、お店、ビジネスオーナーは本当に大変な時ですよね。こんな中でも頑張って工夫をしながら営業・継続されている、事業主のみなさん、本当に尊敬します!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





