岡田育のインスタグラム(okadaic) - 3月17日 02時56分

Nooooooodles of the last Sunday. Little Tong @littletongnyc , our favorite lovely mixian restaurant in East Village also closed temporarily. #noodles🍜
I feel so depressed ... that this chaos had surely started from Asian countries, and of course it has NO relations with these restaurants at the other side of the globe. But I also think that we Asians must have had the decisions much faster than other people. As I did. Wish they would be back much faster than others as well, not to lose any opportunities for small businesses anymore.
Wash your hands, wipe up your smartphones, stay at home, but walk on the sunny side, don’t be too panic, keep calm and eat noodles. ✊🧼☀️🧘🏻😎🍜✌️


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