RinRinのインスタグラム(rinrindoll) - 10月30日 00時03分

Last summer post I promise! Then straight on to the Halloween ones cause yea, I’m super behind😂 I really wanted to go to a Bon Odori festival in the summer and didn’t have the chance to until THE VERY LAST ONE on sep 1st. It felt super awkward wearing yukata in September but it was so much easier with a friend~ thanks @potesara_musume for indulging me and letting me drag you to a bon odori 😂 I dressed her in my first ever yukata! (It’s 9 years old!) 👘 so nostalgic seeing it worn! the @tokyo_big_bon_odori_festival was a bit different than a traditional one where it was produced by members of the singing group, EXILE. They wanted to bring in aspects of hip hop into traditional Bon Dance. It started right at sunset; we practiced a few traditional dances twice then they officially started~ we dance around the square stage with the dancers on stage♪ It was so much fun~~~ I wish I had less bags on me, but with my track record of getting heat exhaustion easily I had to carry a bunch of water on me with no where to put it down😂 but that didn’t stop the fun~~ tho it definitely hurt the shoulders whenever we had to jump. And of course I did end up getting heat exhaustion anyways cause I drained all my waters and ended up drinking some of @potesara_musume ‘s as well (sorry 🥺) I bought some cooling pads and we shamelessly used them out in public on our foreheads (who knows what I’m talking about? Put 🍩 in the comments!) 😂 overall very successful bon odori experience~ it was a great send off for the summer!
最後の夏の写真!ごめんね、すごく遅くなりましたーこれからハロウィンに直接になる😂😂😂今年どうしても盆踊りやりたくて、最後の最後、 9月1日@tokyo_big_bon_odori_festival に行くことになったー9月に浴衣着るのがちょっと違和感があったけど、友達の @potesara_musume と行ったら、なんか勇気が出てくる〜来てくれてありがとうー😂この盆踊りは普段の盆踊りとは少し違って、EXILEさんがプロデュースしたらしいから、最後にヒップホップとコラボした盆踊りもあってめっちゃ楽しかったー♪♪♪ 荷物少し重かったけど、やっぱり熱中症なりやすいから水何本持ってたかれしょうがない〜そんなに邪魔ではなかった、ただジャンプしたときに肩痛かった😂😂😂結局最後まで、水全部飲み切って、友達の分も飲んでしまって、熱中症になりそうで、早めに出て冷えピタ付けたー😂ギリギリセーフ!今回この盆踊りに行けて本当に良かった〜なんか夏のいいお祝い出来て夏が充実した感じだった〜♪
Yukata: #nozomiishiguro
Obi: #ふりふ
Bag: #annasui
Shoes: #emilytemplecute
Earrings: #ivytokyo .
#rinrindoll #rinrinootd #summer #yukata #japan #tokyo #bonodori #tokyobigbonodorifestival #exile #japanesesummer #東京 #盆踊り #駒沢オリンピック公園 #浴衣


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