ジェイソン・スタンリッジのインスタグラム(standridge55) - 10月29日 21時16分

I don’t post much on here and especially not much about loving my girl. Always thought it was silly because I can just tell her to her face....but this is different. I need to gush about her right now........I’ve had the privilege and the honor of walking beside her for the past 16 years in marriage and I can say with 100% honesty, that she has played the biggest role in my life and has help make me the man I am today!! Her relentless love, her laugh, her multi-tasking skills, her chocolate chip cookies, her selflessness, her willingness to want to be there for the people that she loves, her discernment, her empathy for others, her friendship, her you-better-not-mess-with-my-husband-or-you’ll-get-cut attitude and her love for Jesus. My wife is my glue and rock. And she holds me together like no one person ever could. I love you more today than yesterday. Thanks you for coming into my life and letting me be a part of yours........


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




