まる(まるたろう)のインスタグラム(marutaro) - 9月23日 09時49分

Good morning guys! This is DJ MARU. You are now listening to RADIO MARUCHAN. Let's start with a question from listener, "I wanna a shiba dog like you. How can I get?" Oh, this is the very common question. Let me tell you in advance, "A Declaration from dogs". Before you have a dog as your family, there's something I have to get off my chest. Now what we have to say is gonna be a little strict, but we think it's time that for you to listen to our true thoughts. Learn about the habits of dogs. Treat as a pet dog and spend with us at home because we dogs live in herds. Turn on an air conditioner during the summer because we are sensitive to the humidity and hot heat. Take us for a walk even if it rains, windy, sunny, and snowy days. Take us to the animal hospital to get its annual checkup. Don’t treat us as a watchdog. We’re not a thing or an object to fill a void in your heart. If you still want a dog, you can have a pet as a member of your family. Last but not least, Do not compare with MARU. Respect the individual personality of every single dog and stay with them now and forever.


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