ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 8月10日 08時13分

I remember going to a talk by @シャウナ・コックジー a few years ago and she said something like ‘when I was young I knew I didn’t want to live in the dirt in caves and climb, I wanted to be an athlete’. Although I admired the sentiment I’ll never forget it because I felt precisely the opposite. As soon as I left school I sought out dirty caves or ledges or tents to live in and go climbing. I’ve never really thought of climbing as a real sport like tennis that you train for and I’ve found it difficult to considered myself as a proper athlete (despite being a professional athlete 🧐). I remembered thinking if I climb 8c then that probably means I’m an athlete. But that came around and I even did another one and still I didn’t really think of myself as an athlete. This might be a bit of imposter syndrome but also just because climbing always meant too much to just be another sport and being a climber always felt like being more than an athlete. And climbing outdoors always took priority over training indoors. But... this summer I have decided to train more and work on my athleticism! Let’s see where it takes me. 💪 Thanks coach @davidmason85 for being patient with me. Jonny Baker shot from Salathe El Cap @blackdiamond


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