ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 7月19日 06時30分

“Nobody could imagine in New York—the most busy place in the world—that anybody would take the time to sit and just engage in [a] mutual gaze with me.” –#MarinaAbramović

In 2010, Abramović staged a new work in our Marron Atrium as part of a larger retrospective titled “The Artist Is Present.” The artist herself sat across from an empty chair. Anyone was welcome to sit across from her for as long as they wanted. By the show’s close, more than 1,500 people sat opposite the artist, lining up for hours to do so; some people even camped outside the Museum overnight. Did you get to sit with Abramović? Share your experience in the comments, and discover more stories from #MoMAhistory at moma.org/momathroughtime (link in bio) #TBT

[Image: Time-lapse images of visitors to the exhibition “Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present,” March 14–May 31, 2010]


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