NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 7月11日 02時23分

It’s not easy being a spacecraft: invisible, energetic particles zip throughout space — and while there are so few that space is considered a vacuum, what’s there packs a punch. Each part of every NASA instrument destined for spaceflight goes through radiation testing to ensure it can survive in space.

Radiation is energy in the form of waves or tiny, subatomic particles. For spacecraft, the main concern is particle radiation. This radiation, which includes protons and electrons, can impact their electronics. Engineers use computer models to determine what a spacecraft’s destination will be like — how much radiation it will encounter there — and what kinds of tests they need in order to mirror that environment in the lab.

The Radiation Effects Facility, housed here at Goddard, helps inspect the hardware that enables NASA’s exploration of the Moon, the Sun and our solar system — from missions seeking to understand the beginnings of the universe to the Artemis program’s journey to the Moon much closer to home.
#nasa #space #science #engineering #spacecraft


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