ローレン・プラットのインスタグラム(laurplatt) - 6月6日 19時35分

So my baby is finally 18...how did that happen? Heres 18 important things I want to tell you now that you’re an adult;
1. Just because you’re an adult now, still doesn’t mean you get the front seat over me.
2. I can’t promise I will solve all your problems, but I can promise you won’t have to face them alone.
3. Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between us will remain forever strong.
4. You have the best sister in the world. Don’t ever forget it.
5. You have GOT to pass your driving test, you’re life will change when you can drive.
6. We may fight & say things we don’t mean (always your fault) but don’t ever forget how much I adore you & how highly I speak of you when you’re not there.
7. I respect you. You have so much to offer in this life & I can just feel that you’re gonna do great things.
8. Now that you’re 18 HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. The next few years are gonna be so exciting, don’t waste them.
9. Whilst having as much fun as you can, remember to set yourself up as well. Save some money, even if it is only a little bit, you’ll thank yourself at 21.
10. Always feel like you can tell me anything. I may not react perfectly at first but I will do everything in my power to make things better.
11. We can’t both be as stubborn as we are. So you’re gonna have to do something about that.
12. Set yourself short, medium & long term goals, it’s the key to becoming a successful adult.
13. Always trust your gut. There will be occasions when it’s wrong, but 9 times out of 10 it will lead you down the right path.
14. Listen to mum & dad. This is one I’m still trying to learn myself, but they do know a damn sight more than us unfortunately.
15. You’ll always be my number 1 man, nobody will ever replace you.
16. It’s okay to cry. A secure man is one who’s not afraid to show his emotions, there’s no having to ‘man up’ in this family.
17. Work hard. Give yourself the life you dream to live & don’t rely on anyone else to give it to you.
18. Lastly, just remember how loved you are. You’ve given us all 18 wonderful years so far & I can’t wait to see what happens in the next 18.
Happy Birthday @lewisplatt123 ❤️


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