ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 5月30日 01時15分

#Repost @yogamerman having a moment of oceanside meditation on our handmade in the USA, V-Shaped Cushion. 🧜🏻‍♂️
“Yoga Merman, why do you meditate? I get asked this question all the time. I meditate because I like the person I am when I do. I meditate, because when I do, petty and unimportant things and situations don’t get to me as much. I could list-off all of the scientific reasons why I meditate but instead, I want to be real with you. When I meditate, my hell turns into heaven. When I don’t meditate, I have a bad day. So why wouldn’t I meditate? There’s lots of reasons and they are all silly. If I can make time to be on social media, then I can take time to meditate. AND SO CAN YOU! Start with 3 min a day. All you have to do is find stillness, get comfy, and focus on your breath. Focus on the sensation and the sound of your breath. If you move or fidget, DON’T JUDGE YOURSELF. Just return your focus to your breath. Like any exercise routine, the more you meditate, the easier it will become. Pretty soon that 3 minutes will turn into 30! Give it a try! Remember, it takes 21 days to create a habit. So don’t give up! Meditate every day for 21 days and then come back to this post and let tell me all about how AMAZING your life has become! I love you. Namaste.”

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