テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 5月6日 23時46分

This week marks #DeafAwarenessWeek. Did you know there are many ways that artists' names can be signed in British Sign Language (BSL)? While some well-known artists such as Salvador Dali have gestural sign names, for example a moustache twirl action, other artists such as Gilbert and George are more often signed by finger spelling their initials, G and G. Alternatively, if one part of an artist’s name is the same as an existing sign, this might be used instead of spelling it out – such as ‘Green’ or ‘Lamb’. Sometimes a new sign name is created to reference an artist’s appearance, such as their hair or glasses – something distinctive or personal to them.
Gilbert & George, Existers 1984 @artistrooms, Tate and National Galleries of Scotland. © Gilbert & George.


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