ブルックリン美術館のインスタグラム(brooklynmuseum) - 5月6日 00時23分

#FridaKahlo’s encounters with Gringolandia (as she called the United States) were formative and complex. She spent significant time in San Francisco, New York, and Detroit. She appreciated the beauty of San Francisco and New York, relishing the ethnic diversity of both cities—Harlem in New York was her favorite neighborhood. At the same time, New York reaffirmed her political commitment to communism and to Mexico as she was increasingly appalled by the racial and economic injustice she witnessed during the Great Depression years. While she described her time in industrial Detroit as ‘total misery,’ her art was transformed, resulting in a bolder approach to representing her own life experiences. #FridahKahloBKM⠀

Los encuentros de Kahlo con Gringolandia (como se refería a los Estados Unidos) fueron formativos y complejos. Ella pasó tiempo considerable en San Francisco, Nueva York y Detroit. Apreciaba la belleza de San Francisco y Nueva York, y disfrutaba de la diversidad étnica y la riqueza cultural de ambos ciudades: Harlem en Nueva York era uno de sus vecindarios favoritos. Al mismo tiempo, Nueva York reafirmó su compromiso político con el comunismo y con México, cuando vio la injusticia racial e económico durante el Gran Depresión. Aunque describió su tiempo en Detroit como una miseria absoluta, su arte se transformó, lo cual supuso un enfoque más audaz a la hora de representar sus propias experiencias de vida.⠀

Diego Rivera and his wife, artist, Frida (Kahlo) Rivera, during painting of his Industrial Mural in Detroit, Michigan 1932-3, Institute of Arts, Detroit, USA. 2 minutes, 7 seconds. Courtesy CriticalPast ⇨ Frieda (Kahlo) Rivera, seen sketching during the creation of Diego Rivera's Industrial Mural in Detroit, Michigan, 1932. 1 minute 38 seconds. Courtesy CriticalPast

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