英ヘンリー王子夫妻のインスタグラム(sussexroyal) - 4月8日 00時06分

The Duke of Sussex has proudly been patron of UK based organization Well Child since 2007.

Over 100,000 children and young people are living with serious illness or exceptional health needs across the UK.

Many spend months, even years in hospital vs at home because there is no support enabling them to leave.

Well Child’s vision is for every child and young person living with serious health needs to have the best chance to thrive properly supported at home with their families.

Both the Duke and Duchess attended the Well Child Awards in the winter of 2018, supporting the incredible families and children who benefit from the Well Child programs.

For those who have inquired, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex ask that you consider supporting @wellchild and three other select charities in lieu of sending baby gifts for their upcoming arrival.

Thank you for the support and kindness!

Photos via: @wellchild #worldhealthday


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