テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 4月6日 20時26分

Today is #SlowArtDay 2019! Which artwork could you look at all day?

Ibrahim El-Salahi, Reborn Sounds of Childhood Dreams I 1961–5, on free display at Tate Modern.

We've gathered some useful slow looking tips for your next gallery trip: 🐌 Make yourself comfortable. Find a place, bench, stool or space on the floor that gives you a good view of the work. Feel free to stand or move around the artwork, to explore different perspectives. 🐌 Don't worry if nothing comes to mind at first. Be patient. Try focusing your attention on a particular detail. Try to forget any expectations, as well as anything you 'know' about the artwork. Keep an open mind. If you are still struggling, consider one of the following themes as an entry point: texture, colour, shape, symbols, story, perspective. 🐌 Trust in your own authority and intuition. Pay attention to your first impressions. Don’t underestimate the reason why you were drawn to the work in the first place. 🐌 Let your eyes wander. Your mind will try and make connections between elements of the work. These connections might be intended by the artist, or unique to you. It doesn’t matter, both are valid. 🐌 Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t try too hard to shut out what is going on around you. Don’t be put off by those squeaky shoes or the sound of visitors chatting, this is part of the fun. 🐌 How do you feel? Pay attention to how your mind and body respond. This might be in a subtle way. Does the art help you feel calm, does it irritate you, excite you? Does it trigger any memories? 🐌 Share your findings. How do you feel about this artwork now? Try and summarise your thoughts. This could be in your head or with others. 🐌 Look again. Try a different artwork or the same artwork. With each slow look you'll take away more.


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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
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