ジャンポールレスパナールのインスタグラム(jeanpaullespagnard) - 3月8日 15時03分

Soleils by Pierre Droulers
Outfits by me

One of the most important dance figures in Belgium, Pierre Droulers is a choreographer who composes his pieces by following a primarily sensorial logic. Treating bodies and movement as well as objects, sounds, light and space as plastic material, he sculpts remarkable stage objects in which emptiness is confronted with fullness, presence with absence, life with death and exhilaration with melancholy. For his new work, it is light – philosophically and physically – that he invites on stage: light all the way to the incandescent ecstasy of the sun, but also light waiting in darkness; light diffracted in matter, but also the kind that irradiates bodies. He revisits the burning energy of carnivalesque rituals and processions. Set in a captivatingly beautiful stage space, Soleils reaffirms the fire of life in the face of the grimace of history.

My love for unitards will never end ?


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