ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 2月19日 05時18分

The nominee for Best Villain is…Reverend Harry Powell, “The Night of the Hunter” (1955)! ? ? ?
“‘The Night of the Hunter’ was a critical and financial failure on its release in 1955; director Charles Laughton never made another film. But it has since been embraced as a masterpiece thanks in large part to Stanley Cortez’s moody black-and-white cinematography and Robert Mitchum’s sleepy-eyed menace as a decidedly unorthodox preacher. While his L-O-V-E and H-A-T-E knuckle tattoos have become iconic, it’s Mitchum’s pure glee in being evil that makes Reverend Harry Powell one of our great screen villains.” -Jason Persse (@jasonpersse), editorial manager on our Creative Team

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[?: “The Night of the Hunter.” 1955. USA. Directed by Charles Laughton. Gift of Cinetech in honor of Mary Lea Bandy]


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