ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 12月29日 06時24分

“Turrell’s work is always challenging, literally, how we see things—but it also gets you wondering about the how. The projection on which this print is based is no more than light in a hexagonal shape thrown in a corner, but your mind flips it into a 3-D object...if you let it. As for the print itself, I don’t know how he achieved these amazingly deep and saturated blacks. Aquatints are a mystery to me. His work is so architectural in many ways—a basic cube, the dark corner of a room. It’s perfect.” –Steven Wheeler, associate registrar
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[Credit: James Turrell. “Afrum from First Light” (detail)/ 1989-90. One from a portfolio of twenty aquatints. Gift of Peter Blum (by exchange), Committee on Prints and Illustrated Books Fund and The Contemporary Arts Council. © 2018 James Turrell]


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