カーハートのインスタグラム(carhartt) - 12月21日 00時40分

Hey y’all we’re Happy Acre Farm. A small farm in the one stop sign town of Sunol California.
We’re both first generation farmers, I was a history major in college with a desire to be in broadcast journalism until I discovered my passion for farming.
I come from a very education based family and my folks encouraged me to take some classes if I was really going to pursue this passion. I didn’t even make it through the semester, I got a job on a farm and learned that way instead.
After a few years on that farm there was an opportunity for me to start my own or work for another farmer. I chose to start my own farm, I convinced my brother Wolfe to be my farmhand, and by the middle of the first season my husband Matthew quit his job to come farm full time. He’s the real star who has learned everything on the go.
Since then we’ve almost quadrupled in size, added markets and restaurants, bought a tractor, hired employees and had a baby.
It’s not the easy life, but nothing worth having comes easy, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.
#happyacrefarm #nopanicweorganic #carharttambassador #friendsofcarhartt


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