ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 12月19日 00時49分

“Sharon collaborated with Ana Janevski, Martha Joseph, and me on our exhibition 'Judson Dance Theater: The Work Is Never Done'—watching video of Grand Union, speaking with us about photographic documentation of Judson performances, and writing for our catalogue. We often returned to her ideas and her work, which place our intimate relations side by side with violence and warfare—something that links our time with the early 1960s.” –Thomas J. Lax (@thomaslax), associate curator #JudsonDance
What artwork changed the way you look at the world? Inspired by Bruce Nauman, this month’s Staff Picks celebrate the many ways in which art pushes us to pay attention to the world around us. Explore more #MoMApicks: mo.ma/picks

[Credit: Sharon Hayes. “Everything Else Has Failed! Don’t You Think It’s Time For Love?” 2007. Five spray paints on paper, frame (each poster framed). Acquired through the generosity of Jill and Peter Kraus, Committee on Media and Performance Art Funds, and Committee on Prints and Illustrated Books Funds. © 2018 Sharon Hayes. Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Leighton Gallery, Berlin]


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