7年ぶりに再会し、カナダ大使館で共演させていただいたDavid Foster✨ We reunited for the first time in 7 years✨ 幼少期から歌手になると思いつづけた私が、11歳の時、デイビッドさんとの出会いを機に夢への道を歩きはじめた。彼は私にとって人生のkeymanだ。 I first met him when I was 11 years old. For me, our meeting was an step forward in achieving a dream I have had since I was a child. He is an important person in my life. 大使館での歌唱は、7年前にデイビッドさんのピアノ演奏で歌いアイコンタクトで微笑み合ったあの瞬間と重なり感慨深かった。 When I sang with him, I saw his smile. it reminded me of the same smile I saw 7 years ago when I was eleven years old. It warmed my heart. あの日は生まれて初めての公開オーディションにも関わらず5000人を前にステージに立たなくてはならなかったが、デイビッドさんのピアノが響き始めると、緊張はどこかに消え自分の中の何かが変わって行った。そして味わったことのない喜びは溢れて止まらなかった… この時が、自分の道を確信した瞬間だった。 I took part in an audition that he held when I was 11 years old. Even though that was my first audition, I had to sing in front of 5 thousand people. I was nervous, but once he began to play the piano, I felt so so happy. It was then that I decided to continue forward with my dream. 大好きな大好きなデイビッドさんに再会できて本当に幸せだった。感謝いたします!ありがとう✨ It was wonderful to be able to meet someone who I love so much. I am so thankful!✨ #davidfoster #keyman #カナダ大使館 #riri #ririneo #thankyousomuch

riri_toneさん(@riri_tone)が投稿した動画 -

RIRIのインスタグラム(riri_tone) - 12月14日 22時01分

7年ぶりに再会し、カナダ大使館で共演させていただいたDavid Foster✨

We reunited for the first time in 7 years✨


I first met him when I was 11 years old. For me, our meeting was an step forward in achieving a dream I have had since I was a child. He is an important person in my life.


When I sang with him, I saw his smile. it reminded me of the same smile I saw 7 years ago when I was eleven years old. It warmed my heart.


I took part in an audition that he held when I was 11 years old. Even though that was my first audition, I had to sing in front of 5 thousand people. I was nervous, but once he began to play the piano, I felt so so happy. It was then that I decided to continue forward with my dream.


It was wonderful to be able to meet someone who I love so much. I am so thankful!✨ #davidfoster


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




