トームのインスタグラム(tomenyc) - 12月10日 11時08分

‘Earlier this afternoon, the smell of burning sage and chants of “Decolonize this museum!” filled the lobby of the Whitney Museum in New York, where the activist group Decolonize This Place led a protest meant to raise awareness of the involvement of Warren B. Kanders, the vice chair of the museum’s board, in Safariland, a company that has manufactured tear gas canisters and other products that have been used against asylum seekers on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The protest included speeches from members of the American Indian House, the Bronx-based Hydro Punk movement, and the New Sanctuary Coalition, and implicated Kanders’s involvement in the Whitney within larger global histories of colonialism, queer erasure, gentrification, class struggle, and violence. At one point, protesters were forced to leave the Whitney’s lobby by the Fire Department, which arrived on the scene after smoke from the burning sage had set off alarms.’ #alexgreenberger #artnews #whitneymuseum #decolonize #art


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