Li Tian の雑貨屋のインスタグラム(dairyandcream) - 12月7日 11時58分

{葱餅煎蛋}simple spring onion toasted bun with fried egg. More of a 葱饼 person in the morning as it is not as greasy as danbing. Both the egg and bun could be bland in taste to some but I like it this way—clean without too much sauces?
The bun itself was perfect for dipping into the almond milk which was so so yummy (even for me who usually avoid almond desserts) Good to pick the unsweetened warm version as we realized it already had a lightly sweet taste on its own

简单好滋味、我觉得葱饼不加任何料也很好吃。要不是看到 @pattyluvtravel 强力推荐杏仁奶我还真的就走宝了。因为真的很好喝~?? •
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