グレンソンのインスタグラム(grensonshoes) - 12月6日 17時29分

Last year we asked our friend, the wonderful and talented Big Al, to take our brand and create logos in the style of old logos from the past. He created the most perfect set of designs which we have printed onto these five T-shirts.⠀

Tragically, Al passed away last December, so we are launching them in the hope that our followers can see what an amazing man he was.⠀
Here’s to you Big Al.⠀
10% of all takings will be donated to the British Heart Foundation.⠀


#grenson #menswear @the_bhf #grensonshoes #grensonbrogues #mensfashion #mensstyle #thegoodshoe #tshirt #britishheartfoundation #tshirts

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