アシュレー・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(ashleythejohnson) - 11月28日 09時42分

I tried to keep him for as long as I could. He was in so much pain, but selfishly, I couldn’t think about not having him here. This dog has been with me for fifteen years. He carried me through some very rough patches in my life and to be honest, there were times I felt like I didn’t deserve the love he gave me.
We travelled the world together and looked out for each other. He was my family, my best friend and was (and always will be) an absolute legend. For those of you that had the opportunity to meet Sully, or knew him well, was to know how special he was. He truly had so much personality. He was grouchy, ornery, funny and lived to be massaged and treated like a King.
On Saturday night, he got to see all of his favorite people. Listen to music. Eat delicious food (including ice cream AND chocolate) and lounge in Momma’s arms all night. On Sunday he spent the day with family, until it was time for him to rest and go peacefully into the night.
My heart hurts and all I want is for him to be back in my arms. I miss him like hell and I don’t quite know how to handle him not being here. It feels a bit lame posting this on social media, like it’s not meaningful enough. But I know so many of you knew him and I felt like sharing some pictures of this handsome and wonderful boy.
I will miss you forever and always and I will never forget you, my sweet boy.

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