ダイアン フォン ファステンバーグのインスタグラム(dvf) - 10月30日 21時57分

“The busy social life I had with Egon in New York proved to be an important fashion education. Because I was Egon’s girlfriend and he was so visible as a young, attractive aristocrat, various designers in New York offered me their clothes to wear. I spent time discovering the back rooms of those designers and saw how different the fashion in America was from Europe...I fell in love with the new breed of designers—who used soft fabrics, soft jersey, and bright colors. All that inspired me to no end and as I left New York to return to Ferretti, I was excited, hoping I could learn more and one day create some things on my own to sell in New York.” - From @therealdvf’s incredible memoir, #TheWomanIWantedToBe. #DVF #DVFArchive #throwback


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